The Crux Weekly: Michelle Higgins, Bishop Budde and the Hopes and Fears in Higher Education in Trump's Second Term
Plus: Law students at U of R seek justice in the legal system and ICE Raids are underway

Friends! This has been a tumultuous week for many. For me, I am reminded what Paul said in Colossians 1:17-18:
17 He is before all things, and in him all things hold together. 18 And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.
Praise God that He is constant, sovereign and does not change. May you receive His peace and strength where politics, education and faith meet this week.
Here are 5 things we believe are worth your time:
Michelle Higgins’ Sermon from Urbana 2015
This sermon from Michelle Higgins at Urbana 2015 is a marker for the modern church in America. In St. Louis, Missouri, minutes away from where Michael Brown was killed and in the state where the ⅗ compromise determined that Black Americans were a fraction of a whole person, Higgins preached this prophetic word that is as relevant today as it was 10 years ago. For followers of Jesus looking for words to ground ourselves in turbulent times, the teachings of Jesus to the global church is a great place to start. A healthy reflection on the reality that all people are made in the image of God, only Christ can claim supremacy, and that love and justice are integral parts of His Kingdom are truths we must saturate ourselves with to remain faithful this and every season.
Hopes and Fears in Higher Education
Donald Trump has returned to the White House as president, bringing uncertainty to U.S. higher education. The article discusses the potential impacts of Trump's second term on colleges and universities, based on insights from various experts in the field. Policies impact people’s lives and rhetoric is a precursor to action. So the things that Trump says about education must be taken seriously along with his threatened and coming actions.The ability for students, faculty and staff to debate freely and share ideas when it comes to topics that don’t align with the Trump agenda is particularly troubling. This along with his promises to do away with the Department of Education altogether raises significant questions for many. Some are hopeful but more fear repression could become normal. I hope that you will join us in prayer for students, faculty and staff to be filled with divine wisdom to love and serve the least, last and lost.
Bishop Budde Speak Jesus’ Truth to Power
Isaiah 1:17 says, ““Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.” Alongside the Beatitudes from the Sermon on the Mount is an articulation of who is Blessed by God that is hard to misinterpret. Bishop Mariann Budde from the National Cathedral in Washington, DC preached these teachings of Jesus during the customary post-inauguration church service. Many are elated at this prophetic word being delivered so humbly and so clear. Others are outraged and Trump demanded an apology. Whatever your political leaning, our theological one should be a faithfulness to Christ’s word, work, and witness. This message was a wonderful demonstration of that responsibility.
Law Students Protect the Vulnerable in Richmond
Biden pardoned more than 1500 people during his last days in office. Some of those he included but the news didn’t notice were non-violent offenders who were advocated for by students committed to a more just legal system in the United States. One of the people freed was Amber Gauch, a veteran and mother of 4. The Institute for Actual Innocence Clinic at Richmond Law leverages their access to time, expertise and resources to seek justice for those who are behind bars separated from their families, friends and support structures. This is a picture of students and faculty living our Matthew 25 and making Jesus’ know. May the church follow suit!
ICE, Border Patrol, and the Chaos of our Immigration System
32% of college students in the United States are the children of immigrants. This does not include international students which make up another 6% of students enrolled in higher education. So with nearly 40% of students in the United States, being immigrants or connected to immigrant populations, the Trump administration’s flurry of executive orders continues to cause panic, frustration, and anxiety. Raids, indiscriminate round ups, and racial profiling place many at risk of unlawful, detainment and deportation. Here is a link to a basic KNOW YOUR RIGHTS document and above is the QR code. May God give us strength, courage, and wisdom to love our neighbors in these contentious times.
May God bless you as you seek to love and serve Him at the nexus of faith, education and politics. He is faithful!
– jonathan